7 Secrets to Unlocking the Power of ERC Resources

Imagine having a hidden treasure chest that could save your business money while ensuring your employees stay on board. That's the magic of the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERC). But here's the catch – many businesses haven't discovered this gem or are unsure how to tap into its potential. In this blog post, we're here to reveal seven secrets to help you unlock the full power of ERC resources . Master the ERC Basics ERC? It's not alphabet soup, but a game-changing tax credit introduced under the CARES Act 2020. Its mission: to help businesses retain their workforce during the COVID-19 storm. The score? 70% of qualified wages you have paid to employees, up to a cool $7,000 per employee per quarter. Know Your Eligibility You're standing at the ERC door, but is it the right door for you? To step inside, your business needs to meet specific criteria. Think of a significant gross receipt decline or being caught up in a government shutdown. To make the right call...